d41games - Drawings

This is some kind of cannon or something. I didn't use a reference for this one, I made it up. I started by drawing curvy pipes randomly, and then I filled in the spaces between the pipes. I then added a gun/cannon/fireball thing at the top right of the structure. This is what resulted. I added the curvy things on the bottom right/top left after finishing the drawing, and I'm not sure how much I like them there. The drawing looked a bit better without them, in my opinion, but oh well.

This is some kind of cannon or something. I didn't use a reference for this one, I made it up. I started by drawing curvy "pipes" randomly, and then I filled in the spaces between the "pipes". I then added a gun/cannon/fireball thing at the top right of the structure. This is what resulted. I added the curvy things on the bottom right/top left after finishing the drawing, and I'm not sure how much I like them there. The drawing looked a bit better without them, in my opinion, but oh well.